Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Do Then Discuss. Don't Discuss What You Have Yet To do.

Dear New Representative,

While networking in group meetings with fellow reps, both online and offline you'll see a lot of great ways to grow your customer base and team.

Before you share a great idea, I would suggest to at least attempt it first and then ask for feedback on how to improve it. 

I know you don't want to fail if someone can recommend how to avoid it but the last thing you want to see is another rep doing what you were thinking of doing that you shared or posted as an idea and doing it successfully.  
Become a Leader. 

My Business Website:  

My Facebook Page:
"Canada AVON Leader Letesha Samuels" 

Monday, February 9, 2015

4 Tips When Your Spouse, Friends, And Family Are Unsupportive to Your Network Marketing Business

Dear New Rep Like Me

Do you have a dream not yet achieved in your business? 

What do you say when people (loved ones especially) ask what it is you want to be? 

They ask who is going to pay you, and you say the company; for the work you do in promoting people and the opportunity and customers for promoting the products. 

You see the need to make real money in this business to show them you're serious but you've only just begun so they think you're crazy. That you're wasting your life away. 

You have customer service, communication and people skills that you feel you're using more so in this industry.

What do you say in the meantime, when they can't see what you see?

Reminds me of when I grew my hair into Sisterlocks. This hairstyle I loved but in the early stages not so many people supported me (see previous blog post). 

I was watching a YouTube video by the Internet Lifestyle Coach on tips for dealing with an unsupportive spouse in your network marketing business. 

Some of the points I got from got from it, I will share here: 

What's your level of commitment? 
With my hairstyle choice that I kept for four and a half years, the longer I stayed with it, the more people saw that I was serious. It's the same with your network marketing business. 

They want to see your persistency. 
With my hair, people would ask me how long I would want it to be. Or they would ask why I got started in the first place. My response, "because I wanted to. I want to see if it can be done and if it suits me." And I enjoyed every step of the journey. 

What are you aiming for by doing this business? To stay home with your children while making money? To see if this opportunity really works for you? Set a target and start the activity. 

They want to see your consistency.
I was going to the hairdresser every eight weeks. Consistently. 

How often are you working at reaching your goals? 
Do you have a gameplan or are you just hoping for the best? 

Show them your passion.
When you talk about your business does it excite you? 
How much will you stand up for what you believe in? 

Ultimately you have to have your big reason for doing what you're doing. That could be what they don't see. It's not that they don't support you necessarily. 

Here's the link for the full video: 

Here's the link to what currently excites me: 


Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Sweetest Thing Ever Told Me

Now imagine you have natural hair (for those that don't).
All your life you've only heard negative comments about it:
"Your hair is too thick/coarse. You should straighten it."
Your hair's so nappy. "
"You've gotta do something about your hair. You can't go to work with your hair looking like that!"

That was my ongoing experience. With that in mind, read on...

I was on YouTube watching a video about locks when it happened.
A comment was made in the video that I'd NEVER heard before!

Here is the comment:

"Your hairstyle [like it is] is perfect!
Don't try to put it in a style.
You see these pieces sticking up, they're cute! "

When I heard it, I was shocked, empowered, and flattered all at once! I had to hear it again.

How would you feel if someone said something like that to you? Would you take them seriously or think they were joking?

What's the nicest thing someone ever said to you?
(Can be about your hair, or you as a person)