Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Sweetest Thing Ever Told Me

Now imagine you have natural hair (for those that don't).
All your life you've only heard negative comments about it:
"Your hair is too thick/coarse. You should straighten it."
Your hair's so nappy. "
"You've gotta do something about your hair. You can't go to work with your hair looking like that!"

That was my ongoing experience. With that in mind, read on...

I was on YouTube watching a video about locks when it happened.
A comment was made in the video that I'd NEVER heard before!

Here is the comment:

"Your hairstyle [like it is] is perfect!
Don't try to put it in a style.
You see these pieces sticking up, they're cute! "

When I heard it, I was shocked, empowered, and flattered all at once! I had to hear it again.

How would you feel if someone said something like that to you? Would you take them seriously or think they were joking?

What's the nicest thing someone ever said to you?
(Can be about your hair, or you as a person)